So I log in this evening, check mail, start sorting items in bag and doing a little vault organization when I hear chatter in Kin-vent that so-and-so "went LD... hey let's get Mal."
I am then asked if I'm up for it, I say what is "it"? and they say "Zaudru". I am, and so I go retrait, wondering if the name Zaudru reminds anyone else of Olivia Newton-John and ELO. (If you get that reference, you are certainly... one of us.)
I zone in, travel the lonely caverns; just me and my silly kitty. Spider goo again. Ugh! Always with the spider goo! "Now is it this way, or that way... ah yes. Wait no. Ok yeah."
I roll in, get buffed, and start my Lore-mastery duties. Everything goes smoothly, until my PC freezes. Locks up tight. No warning, no explanation. No option but to hold the power button until it powers down.
I finally log back into Vent, apologize, log back into Lotro... only to hear that upon loading I am the luck recipient of "the eye". Yeah THAT eye. The one that kills you if you can't pot or have a hunter remove. Welcome to my world. I don't believe in luck, but if I did, my would be all bad.
Getting back into game to an incapped toon is hilarious, unless that toon is you. Annoula couldn't stop giggling (that's what passes for giggling in that part of the states) and Cinco danced a jig on my cadaver, telling me that his "hobbit rez is on cool-down so sorry".
But sweet revenge would be mine: Cinco the star of "Dancing with the Lame" apparently fell from the lofty hight of Zaudru's chest and busted an ankle for 6 seconds or whatever. Pix coming forthwith!
Then we all had a good laugh and went to kill drakes. Keen!
Good night.
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