Yesterday could have been a fine day for this Lore-master. After much of my gear and accumulated items had been lost to some jack-hole hacker about 6 months ago, I've only needed to replace a couple of more items, chief among them my last two pieces of the Moria set obtained from the Watcher. I've been joining and leading as many PUGs as I have been able to, but alas! I've been unable to get what I need.
So fortunately, after logging in and playing jump-the-thatched-hut in Lhanuch with a couple of kinnies, then slammin' a couple skirmishes with a few others, I hear talk of running Watcher as a kin.
Yay! We're sure to beat it, and maybe a couple alts will be rolling on the good stuff. My odds are greater than they have ever been.
We collect ourselves in about 5 minutes, as opposed to 30 to 40 minutes with your average PUG, and are ready to go. We're all grouped up, buffed up, standing just outside the narrow entrance-way -
And my PC crashes. Death by inches. The animations hitch and finally freeze, then the mouse locks, audio continues for a moment until it too locks up in a hellish loop.
Hard shut-down, restart, lock up again just after getting to Windows logon. Hard shut-down, restart...
Anyway, I finally get back in just in time to hear that the kin has dropped the Watcher in record time and that I died in the first scream. Then somehow I zone in to Suri in Forochel! I haven't been to Foro in two years.
Bat dung. Hot, steamy, bat dung.
Gunna have to go through these drivers...
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